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As We Begin Again

As We Begin Again, is a collection of poems that encourage us to discover what we all long for – inner peace. In the poem, Forgiveness, the author encourages us to discover healing through forgiveness. In the poem, The Child That Plays Alone, the author shares her personal experience about her son who has autism for a greater understanding and awareness. The poem, Along The Way, invites us to discover that through our journey in life we sometimes meet friends not by chance, but through a divine connection. The poem, Endurance, encourages us to always have hope through life’s challenges, that the sun will always shine through. And in the poem, A Message About Love, as we open our hearts to see with love, love is what we’ll see and inner peace we’ll always find. As We Begin Again, inspires and encourages us to see the positive side in living life more fulfilled. And most importantly it inspires us to open our hearts to always see with love.

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A Blessing, Caring & Sharing

A Blessing, Caring & Sharing takes you to that place we all long for – “inner peace.” This collection of poems also brings you spiritual and inspirational messages of hope, love, and the world of Autism.

In this thoughtful poetry anthology, one finds that inner peace can do so much for the soul. If you’re looking for that peace of mind through everyday living, if you’re looking to relax after a stressful day, if you live with Autism, or if you’re searching the beauty of life in a vast changing world, then this book is for you. Imagine your dreams fulfilled, to be encouraged, to enjoy life.

In the poem “You” the author expresses healing in searching God’s peace for self. In “John” she expresses her son’s uniqueness, his gift to the world, as she pleads for public understanding of Autism. And in her poem “Choices” she expresses how we can choose to live life. Doris Washington brings you her thoughts about inner peace, love, and living with Autism. A Blessing, Caring & Sharing will enlighten, inspire, and touch your life more than you can imagine.

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Faith, Hope & Love

Faith, Hope & Love inspires you not only for today, but also to believe in tomorrow. This collection of poems is an easy read, meaningful, and truly inspirational for all to enjoy. In the poem Obstacles the author expresses that life has its challenges, and dreams can come true. Could You Sing A Song For Them? invites you to take a closer look at autism with understanding and awareness. In the poem As Tomorrow Comes the author expresses the message of hope, with the understanding the challenges that we may experience today, may not be our tomorrow. And as we hold on to hope, tomorrow can be brighter than we can ever imagine. In the poem Morning comes a positive look in to how to live each day of one’s life most blessed. In our vast changing world today, there’s a need for inspiration. Faith, Hope & Love gives you all that and much more.

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The Joy In The Morning And A New Day Begins

The Joy In The Morning And A New Day Begins is all about healing, positive thinking, joy inspiration, autism awareness, peace, faith, hope and love. Each chapter of poems enlightens the reader to be inspired to hold on to that joy in the morning as you read God’s Peace, or to give a positive side to autism in the poem My Child, or to find healing through a familiar poem Gathering Stones, holding on to hope as you read Always With Hope. The author has included a chapter of poem about family love. In the poem Daddy the author expresses her memory of her father’s love. In the poem Thank You For All You Do the author pays special tribute to the military members of the Armed Forces. In her poem A Time, A Season, And Always Love, the author expresses about love and peace in the world. There is also the breathtaking photos taken by Joni Meyers. Also in this collection the author shares her spiritual journey, and how her personal experiences living with autism has inspired her to write. As readers pick up a copy of The Joy In The Morning And A New Day Begins they will be encouraged, enlightened, and inspired to read again, and again.

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A Time, A Season and Always Love

A Time, A Season and Always Love are poems and inspirational messages that encourage the reader to always hope- to have faith no matter the challenges in life. The author shares through her poems about her own personal challenges, a renewing of her faith through disappointments with the reassurance of God’s Love. This is so expressed in the poems I Abide in You / I Can Always Began Again / His Amazing Love. And in the poem Could You Sing A Song For Them? the author shares a positive message about autism. Also in this collection, the author shares a poem For The Children that she dedicated to the children of Haiti Earthquake Relief I Pray and Light a Candle of Hope a poem she dedicated to the children and families of Newtown, Connecticut. In our vast changing world today- there’s a need for inspiration. This collection gives the reader that and much more. Truly Inspiring!

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The Beauty of Love

The Beauty of Love is a collection of poems that express inner peace, faith, hope, healing, autism awareness, inspiration, and love. The author shares her thoughts that the way to find inner peace is to let go with love. This is so expressed in the poems “Take Me to Your Place” and “The Beauty of Love.” The author shares poems about faith, that there will always be storms. And to believe that God will see you through, for today may not be your tomorrow. This is so expressed in the poem “The Storms.” The author also shares a poem, “This Day, a Promise, a Dream Fulfilled,” that she wrote in honor of President Barack Obama. And in the poem “The Way of Love,” the author writes, as we go with love, we invite others to know love. The Beauty of Love is a true treasure that touches the heart with inspiration that we so need in our daily lives.

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This Day Today

This Day Today is a book of poems that touch the heart with hope, faith,inspiration, and love.Each poem inspires you to live each day full of promise and to always find the joy in every moment of life. The author shares her thoughts about holding on to hope that is so expressed in the poem “As a Flower Blooms,” “Hope Lives.”
In the poem ” Beyond the Sunset,” the author shares how we can find love through hope each day for even brighter tomorrows. And as a mother of a son who has autism, the author dedicates two poems for autism awareness-“The Child That Plays Alone” and “Could You Sing a Song for Them?”
In the poems “Beyond the Clouds” and “Direction,” the author expresses the most positive life is a blessed life. With the author’s poems of hope, inspiration, and love, you will find that This Day Today is a true gift that encourages and inspires us to find the joy in truly living life more fulfilled.

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Where There’s Hope – There’s Love

Where There’s Hope – There’s Love is a collection of poems, that inspire us with hope for today and tomorrow. It is a collection of poems of inner peace for the soul, positive thinking, holding on to hope and trusting in faith, that God will see us through the challenges of life’s experiences, that no matter the challenges we face in the present day, will pass, for even brighter tomorrows. Also, in this collection, as a mother of an adult son with autism, I wanted to share a positive side in looking at autism.

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I Wish to Live Life

I Wish to Live Life is a special collection of inspiring poems of inner peace, healing, faith, hope, autism awareness, inspirations and love. These poems consist of the many readers and author’s favorites, such as; Take Me to Your Place, A New Day, Start Anew, Accepting, All of a Sudden, A Daily Prayer Poem, John, and many more.

The author has also shared in this collection poems about persons who have inspired her, which are; The Conductor, tribute to Harriett Tubman, Riding the Bus, tribute to Rosa Parks, Thank You for All You Do, a poem the author gives tribute to the US Military Members of The Armed Forces and their families, along with other poems of tribute. Also, in this collection are two new poems from the author, which are Joy, and Through the Clouds – Hope Lives.

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