

Doris Washington is a poet, parent advocate for autism, and author of nine books of inspiring poems, A Blessing, Caring & Sharing / Faith, Hope & Love / The Joy in the Morning and a New Day Begins, A Time, A Season And Always Love, The Beauty of Love, This Day Today, Where There’s Hope- There’s Love, I Wish to Live Life, As We Begin Again. She resides in Harrisburg, PA, with her husband and son John. Among her poetry achievements she has written over 650 poems, and she has also been honored, The Inspirational Leadership Award of 2013, for her poems of inspiration she has shared to many all over. What has inspired her to write was an unfortunate incident that involved her 18- year- old son with autism and two police officers in December 1993. This incident led to a statewide training program, Recognizing Special Needs that was pioneered by Doris. She shares her poems for community events, and she received a letter of recognition by former President Barack Obama for her poem she wrote in honor of him, This Day, A Promise, A Dream Fulfilled, in 2009. Doris also submitted her poem, The Sun Still Shines in the Morning, to the 911 Memorial Museum of New York, Artists Registry in 2011. Doris has traveled to over 576 successful book signings to major bookstores nationwide. Her desire hopes are that her poems will be an inspiration to many all over the world.